
बुधवार, 1 अक्टूबर 2014

गांधी और हिंदी के साथ 'अपुङ' की चुस्की

अरुणाचल प्रदेश, ३० सितंबर २०१४.
आज दोइमुख स्थित सरकारी महाविद्यालय में जाने का अवसर मिला. प्रसंग था ''हिंदी-गांधी और राष्ट्रीय एकता'' विषयक 'दिशा विन्यास कार्यशाला'. स्नातक स्तर के छात्र-छात्राओं ने हिंदी में नुक्कड़ नाटक, काव्य पाठ, भाषण और गीत-संगीत से महात्मा गांधी की प्रासंगिकता और अरुणाचल प्रदेश में हिंदी की सहज व्याप्ति का तो बोध कराया ही, शिक्षा और रोजगार की समस्या पर फिर से सोचने को बाध्य भी किया. अरुणाचली हिंदी की संप्रेषणशक्ति भी महसूस की. सचमुच, प्राध्यापकों और छात्रों  ने जी-जान से तैयारी की थी. मैं उन सबके प्रति नतमस्तक हूँ. 
अरुणाचल टाइम्स ने इस समारोह की रिपोर्ट देते हुए लिखा है -
Hindi Divas and Gandhi Jayanti

DOIMUKH, Sep 30: 

Blending the events of Hindi Divas and Gandhi Jayanti, the department of Hindi, Government College Doimukh today organized ‘Hindi-Gandhi Aur Rashtriya Ekta’ programme to acknowledge the importance of Hindi language and also to commemorate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, here at its college premises.

Addressing the gathering, Director of Higher and Technical Studies Joram Begi said that the success of Hindi language in the state can be understood with the fact that the highest numbers of National Eligibility Test (NET) qualifiers are Hindi students.
However, stating that Hindi no doubt have given a common platform for communication among different tribes of Arunachal Pradesh, Begi added that due importance should also be given to respective indigenous dialects so that it survives, especially by youths.
Begi also appealed them to participate in the mass cleanliness drive, which has been initiated under ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ across the state, by cleaning their college surroundings and also their respective residential areas.
Further stating that the most important thing that India needs now is cleanliness, Begi urged the students and faculties present to give their contribution towards cleanliness drive which he opined would be an honest tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.
Professor Rishabha Deo Sharma of Hyderabad who attended the programme as special guest said that regionally spoken Hindi like that of Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Arunachal and others, though may not be grammatically sound but should be adopted and given equal recognition as it make Hindi language as national language in true sense.
The main attraction of the programme was the creative satirical statement on educational scenario of the state, delivered in a form of street play titled ‘Jahan Shiksha Ki Buniyad Nahi Hai’. The street play was performed by a group of 44 students which was led by assistant professor Tai Togung, department of Hindi, Government College Doimukh.

कार्यक्रम के बाद दोइमुख की एक स्थानीय नेत्री और जिला परिषद की सदस्य के आवास पर विशिष्ट सांस्कृतिक भोज की व्यवस्था थी. ''टी टोटलर हूँ'' बताकर आतिथेय का मान रखने को ''अपुङ'' की एक चुस्की अपुन ने भी भरी. पता नहीं कि ऐसा स्वाद कभी और किसी पदार्थ का अपने अनुभव में आया हो!? शायद नहीं... अर्थात एक अलग स्वाद. बड़े स्नेह से पूछ-पूछ कर मातृभाव से उन लोगों ने भोजन कराया - मुझ शाकाहारी के लिए भी अनेक प्राकृतिक पदार्थ थे. तृप्ति हुई. आनंद आया.

अपुङ  के बारे में खोजने पर यह जानकारी मिली -
Apo (drink)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apo or Apung is a rice beer. It is popular among the tribes in the North East Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. It is prepared by fermentation of rice. It is generally distributed among the participants in a bamboo shoot.[1]
The Nyishi people, who form the major part of the local tribal population in Nirjuli, celebrate Nyokum annually. They serve the local drink, Apung made by fermentation of rice. The Nyishi people offer the drink, every time they drink it, to the spirits (wiyus) by letting few drops of it fall on the ground.[2]
[चित्र सौजन्य - तादो नाबाम]

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